• Child Support: Do You Need To Hire A Family Law Attorney?

    Child support is important to the well-being of your children. It is money that the other child's parent may need to provide to help ensure that your child's needs, including a roof over their head, food in their stomach and clothes on their back are met. If you are not receiving child support, have an order that is not being paid, or are looking to increase the amount you get, you may find yourself wondering if you need to hire a family law attorney to assist you.
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  • 3 Things You Must Know If You Are Contemplating A Divorce

    If you are struggling in your marriage you might be wondering if divorce is the right choice for you. Many people aren't sure if divorce is the right step to take, but there are some things you should do to make sure that if divorce is down the road you are protecting yourself. Here are some things that you should start doing now to prepare for your divorce: 1. Start Saving and Downsizing
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  • Worried About The Kids After Divorce? 4 Steps To Creating A Successful Parenting Plan

    If you're going through a divorce, you know it can be a stressful time. You also know that you and your spouse aren't going to agree on everything. In fact, you might not agree on much at all. However, when it comes to your kids, you can probably agree that you both want what's best for your kids. When it comes to successful custody arrangements, it's important that their needs come first.
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  • 4 Tips When You Can't Afford Child Support

    The average monthly child support payment in the United States is $430 and can be significantly more depending on how many children you have, where you live, and other personal factors. While dads who are behind on child support are often vilified, in some cases you may very well want to make your child support payments on time but not have the means to do so right now. Perhaps you are in over your head with debt or recently unemployed.
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  • A Very Different Take On Adoption

    Most people understand the concept of an adult adopting a minor child, but what about an adult adopting another adult? It might surprise you to know that it is legal to do so, in certain circumstances. To gain a better understanding about this process and why anyone would want or need to do it, read on. Why would anyone want to adopt another adult? Most of the reasons listed below involve more of a symbolic gesture than an actual legal solution that involves taking custody of someone.
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  • Teens And Child Custody: 3 Things To Consider When Your Child Wants To Change The Agreement

    Child custody arrangements are one of the most challenging aspects of settling a divorce because it is hard to plan for what may happen down the line. For many families, it is common to discover that an arrangement that worked well through elementary school no longer fits a teenager's lifestyle. When your child expresses concern about their current living and visitation arrangements, it is important to listen. Then, take these steps to determine if modifying the arrangement is necessary for their health and happiness.
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  • Has A Relative Been Arrested? What To Do

    Getting the phone call that a relative has been arrested can feel like the worst feeling in the world. However, in spite of your shock, you need to spring into action to help them in any way you can. Without prior experience with legal trouble, you may be unsure of what you need to be doing during this time. Use these tips. Start Bail Proceedings Now The very first thing you'll have to do is set up bail.
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  • 3 Things You Should Know About Child Support Before Filing For Divorce

    Child support can be a good thing to protect the best interests of the children during and after a divorce. It helps ensure that children are provided for even in worst-case scenario divorces. However, it is common for divorced parents to totally disagree on everything about child support. Parents who receive it may feel shortchanged when considering all they do as the parent with primary custody, while those who provide it may feel as though it isn't used in the ways they would prefer.
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  • Yes, It's True A Criminal Record Can Stop You From Getting Custody

    Approximately one-third of working age Americans have criminal records. Being convicted of a crime can have a long-term negative effect on your life. In addition to making it more difficult to secure employment and housing, a rap sheet can hinder your ability to gain custody of or visitation with your children. Here's more information about this problem. Courts Feel Criminal Records May Predict Behavior The court's primary concern is what's in the best interest of the child.
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  • 3 Things To Consider Before Getting Divorced After 60

    Going through a divorce is difficult at any age; however, these difficulties are often exacerbated if you get divorced after 60. As such, there are a few things you need to consider before signing the settlement papers:  How Your Retirement Funds Will be Affected When you are few years out from retirement, chances are you will be doing everything in your power to increase your retirement fund and hold on to as much money as possible.
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