3 Things You Must Know If You Are Contemplating A Divorce

Posted on: 12 July 2017

If you are struggling in your marriage you might be wondering if divorce is the right choice for you. Many people aren't sure if divorce is the right step to take, but there are some things you should do to make sure that if divorce is down the road you are protecting yourself. Here are some things that you should start doing now to prepare for your divorce:

1. Start Saving and Downsizing

The financial burden of divorce cannot be understated. There are many people who find that the cost of divorce, mixed with the fact that they now aren't sharing an income, can bring financial pain. This is why you should start preparing your finances early on. You should start a savings account that is in your name only. This way if things do go south, you have money to take care of your basic needs. Additionally, don't get into any new debts when you are struggling. All of the assets will have to be sold or separated which is why it is best to avoid new loans and instead, minimize the amount of money you need to spend each month. This way, when you are ready to divorce you are able to because you can afford it.

2. Talk To An Attorney Early On

A mistake that many people make is thinking that they don't need to talk to an attorney until they are ready to file. This is not the case. You can get great advice from an attorney that can help speed up the process, protect you from losing more than you need to and so much more. For instance, if you move out of the house before you have a legal separation you could be in trouble. All of these things may not be known to the common person, but an attorney sees this every day and can help you know what you need to do to protect yourself legally before even the divorce starts.

3. Avoid Dating Until The Divorce Is Final

Since you have been in a difficult marriage for some time, you might feel that you deserve to start dating as soon as possible. This should be avoided until the divorce is complete. This is for many reasons. It can hurt your chances for custody, it can smear your character and so much more. This includes putting your profile on dating websites.

By understanding these things you can be prepared should you choose to divorce. Contact a law firm like Bray & Johnson Law Firm for more information and assistance. 
