3 Reasons You Should Consider Hiring a Child Support Lawyer

Posted on: 25 March 2022

When a couple decides to go their separate ways, the responsibility to financially provide for their children does not go away. Unfortunately, in some cases, legal intervention is required in order to get the noncustodial parent to live up to this responsibility. If you are currently in this situation, you should know that there is no reason for you to face a child support battle alone. In fact, there are several benefits that come along with choosing to hire a child support lawyer to represent you. Continue reading to learn more about three of these benefits.

Avoid Procedural Mistakes

As with any type of court case, the court will require you to follow a variety of procedures when filing your documents and presenting your case to the judge. Procedural mistakes can lead to delays in your case or even result in the judge ruling against you. The knowledge and experience that a child support lawyer possesses can help to ensure these types of mistakes do not occur in your case. 

Make Sure That All Income Has Been Disclosed

The amount of child support that the noncustodial parent is ultimately required to pay will be based upon a percentage of their overall income. For this reason, it is quite common for individuals to try and minimize the amount of income they report to the court. This type of underreporting can significantly decrease the amount of money you receive to help support your children. A child support attorney can help you to collect evidence of any hidden assets or income that the other parent may be trying to hide. Your lawyer will then be able to present this evidence to the judge in order to ensure your children get the support they are entitled to.

Get Help With Enforcement

Unfortunately, having a court order is not always enough to make the noncustodial parent pay the support that they are legally and morally obligated to pay. In some cases, additional action will need to be taken in order to collect the monthly payments that the court has ordered. These additional actions can include having their wages garnished, intercepting their tax returns, or having their driving privileges suspended until they comply with the court order. A child support attorney will be able to help you explore all of your collection options and ultimately assist you in putting these options into action so that you can collect both any current child support and any arrears that you may be owed.
