
  • 4 Tips When You Can't Afford Child Support

    The average monthly child support payment in the United States is $430 and can be significantly more depending on how many children you have, where you live, and other personal factors. While dads who are behind on child support are often vilified, in some cases you may very well want to make your child support payments on time but not have the means to do so right now. Perhaps you are in over your head with debt or recently unemployed.
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  • 3 Things To Consider Before Getting Divorced After 60

    Going through a divorce is difficult at any age; however, these difficulties are often exacerbated if you get divorced after 60. As such, there are a few things you need to consider before signing the settlement papers:  How Your Retirement Funds Will be Affected When you are few years out from retirement, chances are you will be doing everything in your power to increase your retirement fund and hold on to as much money as possible.
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  • Two Ways You May Get Stuck Paying Your Spouse's Debt In The Divorce

    When you get a divorce, the last thing you want is to get stuck paying debts your spouse incurred during the marriage. However, if you live in a community property state, that's exactly what may happen, even if your name isn't on any of the accounts. Here are two ways this situation can occur and what you can do to prevent it. Debt Incurred for Family Needs In states where community property laws govern marital assets and debts, both spouses can be held responsible for paying debts incurred during the marriage while they are together.
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  • Accused of Embezzling Money? How Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Help You?

    If you commit a white collar crime at your place of employment, such as embezzlement, contact a criminal defense attorney right away. Depending on how much money or funds you take from your job, you may face misdemeanor or felony charges, as well as possible time in jail. Although a criminal defense lawyer may not guarantee that they can get the charges dropped against you, the attorney may be able to find other ways to minimize them.
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  • What You Should Know Before Attempting To Modify Issues On Your Divorce Decree

    When your divorce is finalized through the court, you and your ex-spouse will both receive a copy of the divorce decree. This document is very important because it tells you how your assets will be divided, how child custody will work, and the amount of child support one spouse must pay the other. If circumstances in your life change and something in the decree is not working well, you might be able to get your divorce decree modified.
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  • When Should You Seek Guardianship Of An Elderly Relative?

    With the many recent advances in medicine and technology, many Americans are now living longer than ever before. Unfortunately, with this advancing age sometimes comes diminished mental capacity -- many elders are at risk of financial and physical harm without someone to guide their care and finances. You may want to help your relative manage, but be reluctant to step in. How do you know when it is time to seek a formal guardianship of an adult relative, and what will you need to show?
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