Felony Lawyers Help You Fight False Allegations Of Sexual Assault

Posted on: 4 February 2021

When you are accused of sexual assault, you may be facing felony charges. These felony charges can impact the rest of your life, beginning with the allegations. Avoiding a conviction is crucial, especially in such a high-stakes case.

Felony charges are serious, and you should treat them as such. These are some things you need to do if you face a felony sexual assault charge.

Hire an Attorney Who Understands Felony Law

An attorney who understands felony law is best suited to help you through the next steps. Felony lawyers have been through all of this before, and they understand what you need to do to build a strong defense.

Sexual assault felonies are very different from other types of crimes, and you need to have somebody on your side who has experience with felony cases.

Don't Speak to Police Without Your Lawyer

You may be called in to speak with the police as part of an investigation into your case, perhaps before you are formally charged. An attorney will advise you not to answer questions that could incriminate you, for example. If you didn't have a lawyer on hand, you might answer a question that could hurt you in court. Make sure you avoid saying anything without a legal professional advising you.

Know What's Happening

It is always important to know the next steps in the legal process. When you are well-informed, you can make informed choices. This helps you make better choices for your future because you know what's coming up. For example, your attorney can advise you as to what is happening in each hearing that you attend as part of your trial.

Collect all Evidence Available

You also need to collect evidence pertaining to your case. This is where a lawyer will come in, asking you questions and gathering information so that they can help you take the next steps toward building a solid defense strategy. The evidence available will help an attorney establish a defense that protects them from facing a felony conviction for false sexual assault allegations.

A felony lawyer can help you understand the felony charges against you and the steps you need to take to make progress in your future. False sexual allegations can impact your life in many ways, and it is important that you have somebody on your side to help you. Speak with a local felony lawyer to begin working on your case.
