3 Marriage-Saving Steps To Take Before Divorce

Posted on: 6 November 2018

Your relationship has been on the rocks for months, or even years. You've given up, and you're about to call a divorce lawyer. If the relationships is an abusive one or you can wholeheartedly say you are no longer in love, then getting divorced is most certainly a smart choice. But if you're still feeling some love towards your spouse -- or if you still have an inkling of hope that it could work out -- there are a few ways to try and save your marriage, first.

1. Take a break

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Especially if the two of you have had to deal with a lot of heavy, emotional events later, you may just need some time away to process your emotions separately. Think about formally separating and taking a break from each other for a month or two. Stay with a friend or family member. Do not talk to your spouse, except for in case of an emergency. After the month is up, re-evaluate your relationship and see if the two of you are capable of connecting more effectively.

2. Make a huge change

People often connect when they go on grand adventures together. Then, the monotony of everyday life comes about, and your relationship starts to feel similarly boring. It becomes yet another thing on your to-do list, and as such, you start resenting your spouse like you probably resent your job or other obligations. If you make a huge change in your life, this can shake things up and restore the interest and passion in your relationship. Quit your jobs and travel the world together for six months. Move across the country together for a job in an entirely different field. You could even sell your home and camp for a year. The thrill will bring you closer together and could save your marriage.

3. See a counselor

If quitting your job of moving to Spain is not for you, then take a more conservative approach; seek marriage counseling. Some couples shy away from this option, figuring that if a relationship were meant to be, they could work things out without counseling. But set your feelings of inadequacy aside, and accept that it's okay to need help! A counselor can help you work through your issues, strengthening your relationship, so you no longer feel the need to run from it. 

If you give one or more of these tactics a try, but to no avail, then by all means -- call your local divorce attorney services. But do give your relationship at least one second chance before throwing in the towel. You deserve that. 
