A Complex Personal Injury Situation

Posted on: 27 May 2018

A car accident, no matter how minor or complicated, can be difficult to deal with. It's easy to see why it's a challenge when you consider the competing issues at hand. Body injuries, no transportation and dealing the trauma of it all can feel overwhelming, and when you begin to think that you cannot take anymore, you get a settlement offer from the insurance company. Read on to learn why it's so important to take a moment before you jump at an offer.

What does a settlement mean?

You have at least two ways to be paid money damages after a car wreck. You can accept the offer of a settlement or take your case to court and get a judgment. If you take the settlement offer, then you will be signing an agreement where you pledge to never pursue the issue again. You cannot come back later and take the other driver to court and you cannot, later on, ask for more.

Traumatic brain injuries

There are several types of bodily injury where the final outcome is not known, and a brain injury is just one of those. If the wreck caused a blow or severe jerk to the head, then you may have an injury that takes more time to come to terms with. This type of injury can be difficult to diagnose, and you may not even be aware that you hit your head unless there are outward signs.

When there is a chance that your injury, be it a head injury or other types of injuries, may worsen later on you could be missing out by settling your case too early. A good settlement offer should pay for any needed medical treatments, including predicted future needs, and this can be challenging if you've already signed away your ability to seek compensation.

Take action but move carefully

You should take action quickly and speak to a personal injury attorney no matter what type of injury you have. Speak with your doctor about the extent of your injuries and the potential for any of those injuries to get worse as time goes on. You want to ensure that you know as much as possible about your injury before you sit down to negotiate your settlement.

You should, however, be aware of the statute of limitations rule. You only have so long to file a claim and it might be a year, or it might be several years. You should be prepared to take action before that time runs out and having an attorney on your case will help ensure that you do not miss your opportunity to be compensated.

For more information, contact a company like Maruca Law.
